My Take On...

A Billion Dollar Baby? - ADDYI


I am outraged!


In forty years of medical practice I have never heard of this - a drug that can only be dispensed by pharmacies and prescribers who receive special training? A drug that requires a patient to sign an agreement that she understands the serious side effects?


This medication is the latest bogus pharmaceutical scam to be served up to women (think Thalidomide and Dalkon Shield now). Research says it may possibly, just possibly, improve sexual desire in women.


However, it is expensive, must be taken daily, and it has serious side effects! When used with alcohol, it has caused fainting, headaches, and nausea - not exactly setting you up for a fun time. Drug companies must think they can hoodwink us.


I will not be prescribing it. Remember the name ADDYI (Another Dangerous Drug ... You’re Idiots)


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